Wednesday 31 October 2012

Stitch and Bitch ~ In which I finally get around to doing something about all my needles all over the place and I appear no longer to have anything to bitch about !!!

Hippy Woden's Day Loverlies.

Yes I know normally this is a Tuesday thing but Himself had the pics on his phone still so I had to wait for him to wake up ... this afternoon !!! All good though the poor man had been up all night with a toothache... literally all night... I got up as he was going to bed exhausted. Anywhoo have finally gotten to it, this one is a long one so be warned!

So apparently I did have a bit of a bitch after all hahaha!!!

My needlecase or etui for those of you who wish to use the proper word has been something I have wanted to make for some time. In fact the last straw was picking up a book on the coffee table and stabbing myself up 2 nails !! yes 2!!! my thumb and forefinger with needles that were loose on the table and had come up with the book.

So here we go this is how to make a very posh "etui" that will last you pretty much forever and could even turn into a bit of an heirloom.

First design your cover . Decide what size is going to be the biggest of your needles. Remember darning needles and blanket needles and all sorts of other needles that are aboiut twice as long as your average hand sewing needle.

Mine I made 10 centimetres by 7 cm on the front and back with an inch width on the spine of the "book". As I said before mine is a very elaborate one but with the amount of needles I have around the place I figured it was justified. 

Once you have designed your outside cover. Draw your design onto card I used an old packing box to cut out my pieces as i wanted to to be relatively sturdy. Cut them out and make sure they are the size you want your end needlecase to be.
Once you have done this draw your design in pencil onto your fabric you have decided to use. I used a tapestry aida I had laying around the place. 

I started with the front and which  being a book would end up being the right hand side of the design. 
Make sure that when you draw your design onto your fabric that you have plenty of fabric to turn under afterwards.

I used a hoop as well it helped as my design was going to take some time to do and I would need to keep the fabric relatively taute whilst I was doing the work on it. 
I did think at the beginning that i could do a cross stitch on this fabric ... no I was definately wrong this fabric was designed for tapestry and other embroidery not cross stitch.Hoever I tried to struggle on and all that happened was that my cotton kept snapping. I was not impressed. However once the "shrooms" were finished I thought it wise to change down to a tapestry stitch instead.
I did decide to add a couple of little special points onto my needles case to make it a bit more useful. For example the wire circle on the front cover is for hanging pre-cut embroidery thread or ribbons I may be using at the time.

I was always taught as a child to try and make the back of my work as neat as the front. This has good reason to it for most projects where the back is visable for example napkins and towels etc. However for the complex array of bits I did it was never going to be as pretty as the front. 
However I think I did ok and since it isn't noticeable from the front I am definately alright with that. 

Once you have finished your cover it is time to add in your card to stiffen the edges. Many needlescases don't have this feature, and it isn't really necessary but I thought it would help protect my fingers if i picked it up in a hurry. 

So here we are laying out the pieces of cover onto the back of the coverwork you have jsut completed. Be very careful to line this up properly. 
Once this is done use a thin thread of pva glue to help hold down the fabric.
It may help to cut the corners neatly so they lay flatter.
Mine wasn't quite as well centred as I thought as you can see, this i belive is more because I didn't allow enough gap between the front cover design and the beginning of the spine design. 
Everntually your cover will look something like this. 
Now you need to work on the "pages"
For this section myself i decided to make 3 "chapters" one for hand sewing needles that i use most often the second for the speciality needles and the third for special pins and odd bits and pieces with spiky bits. 
To put these together I machine embroidered the edges of the fabric to make sure they were neat and it also helped to keep  the chapters seperate as i used a different colour for each one. 
Also trim your edges to make them look much neater like this.
Remember that your pages should be double the width of the actual page as we sew them together down the middle to make double pages. 
Once you have all 3 "chapters" sewn down the middle you will start to sew them onto the inner cover fabric you have chosen for the inside of your needlecase. 
Sew them up using either hand stitching or your machine and sew them up the fabric so they are central and close together. 
Then after this you attach the inner cover fabric to the outer cover as you did before using a thin thread of glue. you can of course slip stitch around the whole thing afterwards and this is advisable as it will last longer than the glue. 
Also don't forget to sew a thin piece of ribbon to either side of the book so you can keep it closed. Once done it will look something like this.... 



ah .. ok apparently I haven't taken a picture of the finished item. since Himself is at rehersals I will do what I can as soon as he gets home. Until then my deepest apologies. 
Oh the joys of being a muddle headed pixie.

Have a wonderful evening xox Love and Light xox


The Front
 The Back
 The Spine

There you have it .. finally pics of the finished item.
I would love to see pics of yours if you make them feel free to leave a comment and link to a pic of yours

xox Love and Light xox 

Monday 29 October 2012

Monday Catch Up ~ Oh the joys of agoraphobia and the lessons to be learned

Hippy Moon Day Loverlies !!!

I do hope this weekend has treated you kindly. This weekend for me has been all sorts of "fun and games" and not in a "tag your it" kinda way.

We have only moved in properly as of Wednesday last week. For the week and a half before that Himself has been busily popping our stuff over on a parcel truck and running it round the corner!!! Bless him he truly is my hero. The Saturday we were due to start moving I lost the plot. The lack of routine and complete chaos I found myself surrounded by turned me into a puddle, so my hero packed up our brekky things and did the first trip to the new house at 7am on that Saturday morning with me in my pj's trotting alongside him. (Well hobbling but let's not split hairs).

From that moment I stayed in our new home and unpacked boxes and crates as they came in the door. It was fabbytastic and what made it better was I had the wonderful sounds of Serpentyne playing on the stereo. I have to admit at this point I think I might not have been as calm without thier beautiful music. It just struck a cord with me and brought me back to a place I haven't been in a very long time. A place of comfort and bliss. This lasted about a week ... and then the lads helped Himself bring a heap of stuff over in the car....

... and I was surrounded... I had visions in my head of walking through the living room and the boxes tumbling over in a wave ... and that for me was pretty much a breaking point. I fled from the room once the lads had left and hid in bed under the blankey. I wasn't coming out for anyone and since I wasn't allowed to pick anything up I felt worse because Himself was working his poor ickle butt off carrying our entire life together down 3 flights of stairs by the box load.

Sometimes I know my behaviour is childish and ridiculous, the worst part is I annoy the heck outta myself because I do it but I have no way at that point of controlling it and off I go into a downward spiral of a vicious circle that makes things worse until I can either find a way out of the house or find something to take my attention like a toddler really only a heck of a lot more of a heffalump to try and calm down.

The life of an Agoraphobic is a nightmare. It is very difficult for many people to understand. Some of us are lucky enough to have families and loved ones who do, but saying that not even some family members tend to always understand and to be honest how could they ???

When we find a focus we are amazing! we truly are we can do anything at all (mostly indoors) but truly anything at all because our focus on one thing is so great and undistracted. If however things don't go the way we think they should and if we think for any reason that people are going to be looking down on us because of what has happened whether it be in our control or not we fall to pieces. I don't mean a few minutes of tears I mean .. we drop ... we can drop lower than a Bi-Polar drop and it's scary for everyone all around. We even find ways to try and push those closest to us away and will do so to the a breaking point in our relationships. Just so no-one can find us. Luckily for some of us our partners are onto us and won't let us do it. In fact Himself is quite capable of coming up to me and saying "it won't work, you're stuck with me" when I have tried.

I am not writing this to make people feel sorry for me or even agoraphobics in general. What I am writing this for is to give some of you out there a little insight into our world. Our world is one full of ups and downs and sometimes not just taking things a day at a time but moment by moment. Every step out of bed is a win. Every step up the hallway is a win. Making a cuppa without someone coming with you to the kitchen is a win. Stepping outside the house is a MASSIVE win and going anywhere in the car or on public transport or even helping out in the local charity shop for a couple of hours once a week is one of the biggest wins there is.

The more we do the better we get. However it can take something quite small to set us right back at square one. The joy of it is it doesn't take as long to come back again out of it as it did the last time or the time before that.

I look forward to the day I know that I have had 10 days of bliss like the week I have a couple of weeks ago. It isn't far off I know that ... but it will take time. Patience is not one of my best virtues especially with myself. I am finding though I am learning to be kinder to myself, learning to accept me for how I am and learning to see the wins each and every one of them.

One of the biggest things I am learning is :~

Don't sweat the small stuff. 

When you first learn this you make a realisation once you put it into practice and that is :~

It's all small stuff

Truer words were never spoken. It's just learning that and keeping it close and putting it into practice when the bad moments hit. In the end we are doing the best we can. 

Having something to take our mind away from what it is that has set us off is important. I have started painting murals on our walls in the hallway. I have also taken up reading again the sort of reading that doesn't teach you anything it's just there to keep you occupied and maybe take you away from things for a while. 

The thing I am most proud of is letting people into my space, to be able to do this I had to be able to control the situation. This means I have now set up 3 days of craft groups at Pixies Rest.

This means I have to make sure that everything is ready for the days. Even if no-one shows not at the beginning it doesn't matter. It means I am more ready the next time, and the next time and the next.

Anyways one last thing ... learn to laugh at yourself, some of the situations we find ourselves in are ridiculous learn to see it for it's funny side.

Anywhooo that's enough from me tonight my head has started to pound a bit and I think it's time for me to go make some din dins so when Himself gets home he can eat.

Have a fabbytastic rest of your evening

xox Love and Light xox  

If you are interested in joining us on our PlayDays  feel free to check out our new website for more info. We would be glad to welcome you. We have a safe environment with understanding people and children are more than welcome.

Friday 26 October 2012

Ode to the week !!! ~ In which we have FINALLY moved and get our net back YAY!!!!

I have to say the last few weeks have been a tad OMG!!!

We have moved from Pixie Towers to a wonderful place much closer to the ground O.o for us pixie's without wings the ground is the best place for us !!!

So we are safely ensconsed in Pixies Rest and am busily unpacking boxes as fast as we can as we have  the new craft groups starting asap ... and I sooo can't wait for that next week!!!

However this weekend will be taken up with writing all sorts of loverly craft sheets and making a picket fence for inside our corridor to keep any faelings in one spot and if I am lucky I might jsut be able to get some of my painting done on the walls teeheehee and yes I will post piccies once they are done.

Right now though I am a bit knackered I do have to say ... this week has been a bit rough Agoraphobia wise and to be honest I feel quite drained. this move this week has been a bit of a comedy of errors in many ways but my poor Beloved Himself is also knackered and not very well due to having moved most of our gear by hand on a parcel truck in the rain on some days.

I have to admit though actually being in this space has made things that much better but I have found myself wondering quite seriously "How the heck did we get all this stuff into that teeny ickle flat we had in Pixie Towers????"

I now have a workroom and Homself has an office and the girls have thier room and our room is HUGE .. big enough to have a sitting area with a 3 seater couch in it and the coffee table and we have 2 storage areas and I'm still hard pressed to find room for everything .... tis the weirdest thing ... oh well I'm sure it will be sorted out soon enough ... Monday at the latest HAHAHAA!!!!

On the up side however it looks like we are about to be the proud parents of an allotment here in town thanks to an un happy precense up there who has scared most of the allotment people away after he started walking around nakey !!! I have to say if I'd been up there he would have been on here like a shot!!! Weeelll i figure I haven't got a photo this week and anyone brave enough to sleep at thier allotment and run around nakey in amongst a bunch of women with pitchforks deserves a shot of infamy... it must be said though he has been removed from up there and the ladies and thier eyeballs are safe again.

I don't know about you but I LOVE living in a small town stuff like that happens every day and the joy of now living int he centre of town is we can see it for ourselves if not hear about it within minutes of it happening. Teeheehee

No I do not condone gossip but a bit of town news never hurt anyone!!! Now that I have started helping out at the local charity shop on Friday's I gets more than I ever did (Town news that is NOT gossip) and it's amaizing what the folks round here get up to.

Anywhoo I am now off to my nest I have had a massive week and am a bit knackered and hurting. I did however want to catch up quickly and say things will definately now be back to normal as the internet is back on and all is well here at Pixie's Rest.


Love and Light xox

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Bloo on Green ~ In which I start the making of something quite fabby !!!!

Hellloooooooooooooo me Loverlies

Here we are again looking at homemade things that are a bit more than special and fun and hopefully better for our world in some way.

I had a thought about candles the other day. I am not sure if i could get away with candle making up here unless it was the loose bead variety but i desperately wanted to do something. Candles are something we use quite alot of and it's coming up to that time of year where candles make all the difference and can make a room not only feel warmer but actually warmer as well.

How was I going to do this ??? I had no idea until looking through an old herbcraft book I can upon instructions for herb candles. Herb Candles ??? really ??? I continued to look realising that you used bought pillar candles and could dip them in water to place the pressed herbs into them ... Well I have to say I think I might jsut be onto something this time. Our budget is worse than little it is non existant right now, however at times we all have a loose £1 coin in our pockets and this is when the £1 shops come in handy. Himself is now under instrudtions that when he picks up the girls in Exeter on a Saturday he is to pop into the pound shop and pick up a tower candle.  I would love to go but it is another bus fare and that bus fare would be our electric for a week so that isn't happening!!!

Instead what I have started doing is pressing the leaves to go on the candles. No I don't have a special posh press that everyone thinks they need to do this I have lots of huge massive doorsteps of books and that combined with some tissue of whatever sort you have in the house in our case it was loo roll will do the job nicely.

Work from the back of the book it makes it easier to do several layers, put down 2 layers of tissue on the right hand page.
Pick your leaves off the stalks. Today I am using Ivy leaves, they mean something to us and they will give a great effect to the completed candle. 
Be choosey with your leaves though and don't use any damaged ones and put whats left in the compost of back where you found it as Ivy will regrow from these stalks.
Lay your leaves out face down on the paper. and give them plenty of room around themselves as you don't want them to stick together by accident, or curl wrongly in the pressing. 
Carefully cover the leaves with 2 more layers of tissue and close the book by about 20-30 pages to start your next layer. 

The book I used has over 1500 pages in it so I was able to use up all the leaves at one go with plenty of room in the bok for more should I want to press some more. Which I will do when I find the right ones. If you are going to use ivy use lots of different varieties I found 4 last night so I will have quite a variety. When it comes time to make the candles I will definately let you know. Until then leave your leaves to press for a good couple of weeks. I may  take less time I jsut like to make sure. They can then be kept in an airtight container layered on the sheets they were pressed with to keep them safe. 

Have fun with this one

xox Love and Light xox

Stitch and Bitch ~In Which Himself is Weaving and I now have something to Bitch about !!!

Happy Tyr's Day me Loverlies

Boy have I missed writing my Blog. Sorry about the absence again however I have things going on and things aren't making life easy for someone wanting to write a blog!!! Like serious meds now having to be taken until the specialists decide what to do with my back ... and are quite happy leaving me on crutches and slowly on the road to becoming a morphine addict because noone will do anything until it I can no longer walk because I can't feel my legs!!!

Yes grumpy sorry but hey thats what Stitch and Bitch is all about getting the bitchies out ... so here goes another one .. this is the second time I have written this blog ... I published it an hour ago and since I was here and able to I was getting a jump start on tomorrows and whoops I appear to have deleted it O.o  GRRRRR!!!! Is it Monday and no-one told me or something !!??!! cos it sure feels like it !!!!

Anywhoo the wonderful and most fabbytastic Himself has taken over the loom. It isn't a huge thing can sit on your lap and was a gift from a former flat mate a couple of years ago. I finally brought it off the shelf the other week and dusted it off only to find the instructions in German O.o My wonderful long suffering man that he is Himself translated the whole lot. Let me make clear what he did. He typed out the manual by hand into the Google translator thingy and it took him a goodly couple of hours and then popped the translation into a document in English so I could read it !!!

.... and I still couldn't figure it out o.o pfft!!! so we called upon a friend who teaches weaving at a fabbytastic place locally and she came over with her wonderful little sprout and we figured it out together YAY!!!!! and then it fell to pieces after I had ma\de it long enough and we tied off the ends O.o .....

This is where Himself decides to take over and I helped him keep the tension tight on one end while he threaded the warp around cos the stoopid thing isn't one of these wonderful massive easy things that you thread it individually noooooooo you have to weave it back on itself in one long thread ....

Many rude words have been said about the person who invented this machine ... by myself and our friend and even Himself at times, however he seems to have taken to it and is at the moment making fabby cloths for the girls under thier lamps for thier bedside tables. Now to me thats a real dad !!!

So whilst I am here writing this and a couple of other blogs so i can keep up this week he is in the living room watching boy stuff and weaving hehehe.

 It took ages to get him to stop long enough to get his phone out of his pocket so I could take the pics so I took another one hahahaha!!!!
Whilst all this was going on a Red Admiral Butterfly flew past my face knocking me off balance a bit and landed on one of our chalices on our alter !!!!
Being as this appears to be the kind of day I appear to be being taught things i figured I might just look it up ... and I might just look up the other creature that haunted me and chased me around the flat on  the weekend too!!!!

Spiders normally in this country don't bother me I've lived in Australia and the ones here are nothing compared to what you have to put up with over there, but I am telling you this thing would've grabbed the remote given half a chance and cracked open a beer and watched the game given half a chance!!!!

So lets look at the nice one first

The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color.

It is the symbol of the soul. They remind us that life is a dance, not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life. Butterflies bring color and joy to your life. Look at them and remember what joy is in your life, if it's a lot or a little, it is still joy. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic; it can occur gently, sweetly, and joyfully.

 Spider: Creativity and Weaver of Fate

A spider totem teaches you balance --between past and future, physical and spirit, male and female. She is strength and gentleness combined. She awakens creative sensibilities and reminds you that the past is always interwoven with the future. Tarantulas (and all spiders) are the keepers of the primordial alphabet and can teach you how to write creatively. Her body is shaped like the number 8 and she has 8 legs, which is symbol of infinite possibilities of creation. Her 8 legs represent the 4 winds of change and the four directions of the medicine wheel. Spider's message is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the eternal plan of creation. Those who weave magic with the written word usually have this totem. 

Just in case you want to check any out yourself there is the link this is a great site for suiuch things 

Also I have just been taught an important lesson just cos it looks icky doesn't mean it is ... I kinda like that me thinkies. Makes me feel better having a reason for crawlies about the place!!!

Anywhoo I must away have plenty to do and 2 other blogs to write before I am lynched by you lot for not keeping up with it again.

Have a fabbytastic day no matter what you are doing 

xox Love and Light xox  

Cookie's Corner ~ Crab Apple and Rowan Berry Jelly

Morning Me Loverlies!!!

Today's recipe is a fantastic traditional recipe, loved by millions over the centuries, not only as an accompaniment for hot and cold meats, or as a jam used in all the usual ways, also as a farmhouse traditional sore throat remedy that might jsut actually help the rheumatism as well in the cold months of winter.

Sounds like something that came out the back end of a cow I hear you say, but no it isn't. Big Pharma aren't allowed to patent natural growing plants, so they disregard them as a whole medicine and only use the parts they can synthesize and patent namely the chemicals. These are pretty much the same no matter how you package them only this way they taste better.

Now let me make this perfectly clear right now !!! I am NOT a qualified herbalist, or biologist or anything else with a fancy name or letters after it. What I do is read. ALOT. I read about things I don't know about and I use the books that universities use as thier textbooks and encyclopedias and internet sources and professinal sources for my information. I do not in anyway suggest you forgo seeing your GP or a qualified Herbalist as listed by NIMH. I am not saying ignore thier advice what I am saying is talk to them and see if you can use this in conjunction or instead of other medications that may not be necessary as this might work better than a strepsil and is half the price of a packet of them.

Personally for years I have had serious issues with my tonsils including 74 quinzies and uncountable numbers of tonsilitis. Yes I still have my tonsils and I will keep them as they are the first line of defence of your immune system and if they are inflamed there is a reason. Of course I reckon smoking for the last 22 years hasn't helped, but stop yelling at me i went cold turkey 6 weeks ago and haven't looked back.  So NER!!!! Anywhooo I used to find that when "the scratch" used to appear a spoonful of this jelly used to help me out enormously!!! and in most cases a teaspoonful a day would do.  Considering the choice between that and the pills they give you at the docs when you have a throat that won't swallow water, horses would bolt at the size of them!!!

The biggest thing I love about remedies like this is you don't realise it's medicine and nor do children if you handle it right. If your kids are used to your homecooked foraged recipes they won't even blink an eye if they come into you and you give them a piece of soft bread and butter with a spoonful of this on it and they will be more than happy to suck it on down.

Anywhoo I feel I must explain how this is possible and how it works ... you know the science of it .. well here is the easiest explanation I could find.

Rowan or Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) is a species of the genus Sorbus, native to most of Europe except for the far south, and northern Asia. In the south of its range in the Mediterranean region it is confined to high altitudes in Balkan mountains.  The red-orange rowanberries are ripening in from July to October.
Rowanberries are rich source of antioxidants. An investigation of rowanberry flavonoids showed the presence of rutin, quercetin-3-glucoside and quercetin-3-D-galactoside. Quantitative analysis of berry flavonoids showed quercetin-3-D-galactoside as a major compound, being 24.55 mg/kg fw (2).

Human food

Rowan or Mountain Ash fruit / berries are too astringent - unpleasant are not suitable to be eaten raw. The fruit (berries) of Rowan can be made into a slightly bitter jelly but also marmalade and juices. The fruit (berries) have many uses eg. to flavor liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages.
Rowan berries contain sorbic acid, an acid that takes its name from the Latin name of the genus Sorbus. The bitterness is coming from parasorbic acid which causes indigestion and can lead to kidney damage. It is important that berries are cooked in order to remove bitter taste. Cooking removes parasorbic acid making rowanberries edible.

Medical uses

In traditional medicine, the ripe rowanberries are made into a decoction used as a gargle for sore throats. The berries were used as a treatment for scurvy because of their high vitamin C content. A decoction of the bark is said to be good for diarrhea.

So there you go there is the science and now onto the recipe and the fun stuffs with lots of piccies!!!! 

Crab Apple and Rowan Berry Jelly


Equal measure of Crab Apples and Rowanberries
Juice of a lemon 

Put Rowan Berries in pot no stalks or leaves, 1/2 lemon juice, and just cover with water. Bring to boil fast and keep cooking until the berries are really really soft
   Repeat this process for the Crab Apples
  Place the Rowan Berries in a  jelly bag or like we did in a piece of muslin or similar and hang over a bowl for about 4 hours. 

 Repeat for the Crab Apples  
 Mix equal amounts of the juices and add 1lb (450g) sugar for each pint (600g) of fluid in a pot 
 Stir on heat until completely dissolved Cook fast til setting point is reached 
 Skim froth from top and seal in jars 
 You can experiment with cloves, ginger, rosemary, lavender as flavourings .. not all at once that would be scary ... or even cook your crab apples in some left over cider !!!

We have 4 litres of the Crab Apple Liquor left so we is out tonight getting some more Rowan Berries before they are all gone to make some more!!! I am wanting to have 5 jars to sell at the market in the next month or so. We shall see how we go.

Have fun today no matter what you are doing

xox Love and Light xox

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Hellooooo Again!!! Monday Catch~Up

Hello Loverlies

Sorry I have been away for a little while but soooo much has happened and it jsut keeps happening and keeping me very busy between then and now. However I find myself with a bit of free time on my hands so I doing a mahoosive Monday Catch Up for you all !!!

Soooo last time we chatted I was off to the Acoustic Festival of Great Britain... which by the way was AWESOMES!!!! It also taught me a great deal of what to make sure we have and are doing for our events. Just remembering that everything is a learning experience helps you get through the worst of nightmare situations and trust me there were some close situations at the festival this year.

However there were some awesome ones as well ... meeting up with old friends and meeting new ones. All a great thing and a great time was had by all. Hiccups over and done with, and end of the Sunday being beer o'clock makes everything much better hahaha.

So here are a couple of pics of us at the Acoustic Festival :~

Me and Tink

Me and Lisa Fairy

I love these ladies they make life sooo wonderful and to find them both at the one festival does make things awesomes !!!

I work with Lisa at faery festivals during the year but Tink I only have the honour of meeting up with at the Acoustic so its loverly to catch up with her :D

So after a fabbytastic weekend of booking in bands and taking care of them i was knackered for the rest of the week .. not surprising really but I had lots of stuff to do for the Edge of the Moors Faery Festival

Not to mention the fabby few days that the Pendle Faery and Pendle Pixie came to visit us here at Pixie Towers YAY!!!! oh boy did we gets up to some stuffs ... and yes there are pics hahaha!!!

The Pendle Faery, Himself and Bloo Pixie 

Pendle Fairy, Pendle Pixie and Bloo Pixie

Bloo Pixie and Pendle Faery going up the Pixie Path 
Norty Faes !!!
Teddy Faes :~ the picnic was cancelled so we went to cheer up the kids and came as the teddies :~D 
This of course is coming up fast however not before I had a fabbytastic week up in Lancashire with the Pendle Faery and Pendle Pixie .. which was awesomes!!!!! I just got off the bus and was dragged up Pendle Hill :~
Suzanne, The Pendle Pixie and Bloo Pixie navigating the cattle grid :~P 
This is what happened the next morning O.o

Bloo Pixie

It's amazing what happens when you go up magick mountains on the Solstice!!! I'm just glad i didn't get to the top I'd look like a Smurf!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

The Pendle Faery, Freya Fire Sprite and Bloo Pixie
..... so anyway this brings us to the Pendle Faeries Mad Hatters Tea Party !!! Oh Boy what a day that was HAHAHA!!!

Here are all of us after the Tea Party off to the pub for din dins !!!

  So then the next day Bloo Pixe, The Pendle Faery and Bindweed had a day out of nortiness in Morecombe.... wicked fae we was ..... 

Bloo Pixie, Eric Morecombe, Pendle Faery and Bindweed
Playing in the Park !!!
Utterly chillaxed looking cool overlooking Blackpool !!!
Norty Bloo Pixie blowing razzberries at the photographer :~P
All that horsing around got us all peckish so we decided to share an icecream teeheehee!!!!
 So there you go all sorts of norty fae games were played in the last couple of weeks ... but the best little bit on news to date is this one... 

Matilda Leigh born 24th June 2012 (World Faery Day) my bootiful little Grandfae !!! 

We had masses of fun making decs with the kids at the school for the festival .... pics will come later ... great imaginations making Faery Bells and Faery Houses and Peg Dolly Faeries been fabby this week. 

The only issue we've had this week is that my back has done silly things to itself, so at the moment I'm running around on crutches. Which is a great way to make me slow down. Which I am .. and behaving as well ... well kinda ... sorta .. maybe .. perhaps hahahah!!!! 

So there we go a complete catch up of the last few weeks ... will get onto this weeks Blogs asap !!!! xox 

Have a fabbytastic day

Love and Light xox