Monday, 7 May 2012

Monday Catch Up ~ In Which I Learn That It is Ok To Be Angry.

Welcome my Loverlies to this Bootiful Moon Day !!!

Oh boy what a weekend !!! Let's just say that emotions were running rather high and hot this weekend, so much so that at one point I scared myself even !!!

I won't tell you details but lets just say that when it comes to my kids I am a bit of a mother tiger, actually if it comes to the safety of any child I know the same tendancy kicks in. So when someone decides to verbally attack someone they don't know, have never met and the prime focus to make such public allegations is to upset someone else and make them react, lets just say it isn't pretty!!!

However in getting so angry I worked my way through it. I also realised that it was ok to be angry you don't however need to take it out on those around you, those around you are there to help calm you and let you rant and get it out of your system to be completely honest. There was lots of ranting, and at the end of it I felt pretty awful cos I had taken it out a bit on others around me, not in a physical way but just by being snippy.

What disturbs me is that there are those so willing to judge others before they know the whole story. They seem to get a kick out of being bitter and nasty and watching others in serious emotional pain. That to me is psychotic!! When you are willing to go to extremes not caring who you hurt or damage in your way, you have completely lost the plot. If you can't see it then you really shouldn't be in charge of anyone ... let alone children.

It does confuse me I must say that people are so ready to judge others as well without asking direct questions to the person themselves. Surely to find out the answers you want you ask the actual person rather than talk about them behind thier back. Filling in your own blanks and coming to the conclusion that 2 + 2 = 11,562 !!!  To me this is a sign of a weak person, someone who doesn't have the kahoonas to bother talking to the actual people involved. A strong person would either tell the weak person to "shut up and what would you know" or go and talk to the person themselves.

There is nothing worse to me than Sheeple, people who will tow the line and not get involved and won't fight the corner for those doing the right thing and are willing to believe anything rather than find out for themselves!!! Society and media has conditioned people into thinking that it's ok to gossip and spread rumours and talk about things behind others back. Even our schools are set up to teach our kids not to ask questions. I was always in trouble for putting my hand up in class to ask questions and was always told the same thing, "don't disrupt the class" ........ O.o ......

Well I don't apologise for not being a Sheeple ... I still Think for myself and do what is right and will quite vocally stand up when something is wrong !!! Thinking is not illegal ... remember that ... and although governments around the world are desperatly trying to make it illegal, standing up for what you believe in to be right when it is blatently obvious something is wrong is not either!!!

When it comes to kids especially those I know, they are then under the umbrella of My Kids, and I protect them and stand up for them and get very angry when they are used as weapons by those who know nothingbut thier own weakness of character. You might not like what is happening around you but children are NOT weapons in anyway shape or form. NO~ONE has the right to use them as such and if you do you are not a person as far as I am concerned because you have no heart, intelligence or strength of your own. In fact I pity the shell of you because that is all you are if you behave in such ways.

On a much happier and lighter note, for the first time in a year our cupboards and freezer are 3/4's full YAY!!!! I am soooo pleased this makes this Pixie much happier and feeling alot safer in our situation. Our spare room only needs pillows and things are looking up every single day !!

Oo ooooo and as grey as it looked out there this morning it is now bootiful and sunny and the birds are chirping and singing ... and I am off to collect primroses with my Bootiful Cousin YAY!!!!!

Have a fabbytastic Moon Day and remember don't be a Sheeple !!!!

xox Love and Light xox 

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