Friday 27 April 2012

Ode To The Week ~ In which I survive my first week blogging YAY!!!

WOW!!! Look where we are Freya's Day!!


I am very exctied about this. I have to say that this Blog has done amazing things for me!!! I wake up in the morning thinking what am I going to do today for my Blog and I really have to think. It has given me a focus which is so very important, and it means that I now have a forum for ALL areas of my life in one place. Considering the way my mind works and with everything I want to achieve this has made complete sense of all of it and helped me to calm my brain somewhat.

I also want to thank everyone for thier support in this project of ramblings of mine. I found the stats bit and have watched the numbers climb and climb everyday and have sat here in amazement. I have seen friends post it on Twitter and Facebook and have been utterly amazed at them doing so. As for the beautiful comments left both on my Facebook page and in my inbox have given me the most tremendous boost. Considering this Blog is only 5 days old now I now have had 223 views in that time and I find that extraordinary and very very humbling. I just want to take this moment to say thankyou to each and every one of you YOU ROCK!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxox

So enough of the mushy stuff here we go with my Ode to the Week :~

Pixie Towers is our home, it is where we live and we love it. It is a 5 room flat 2 bedrooms, a living room, a loverly kitchen (Which is where I have been writing this most of the week) and of course the bathroom. Most of the time our loverly home is a tranquil setting and people come up just to chill out, which I love. However this week it has been turned on it's head with moving the place around a bit. we have moved into the workroom as we have been making space for a couple of extra beds.

I so can't wait to have my own workshop space, I think we are starting to get to the point where we actually need it !!! Mind you for a lazy bum Pixie like me not having to get out of bed to get some work done isn't the worst thing in the world teeheehee. It is awesomes for me cos it means I can work at all hours without feeling bad about it cos I am still in my nest .... technimacally anyways hehehe.

Just so you get a little idea of our workspace/bedroom is like now take a peek at this :~

Oh yesh and this was my treasure trove I found whilst sorting out the room, I went from "I has no fabrics boohoo " To this :~

Yeap that there is all my fabrics that I founded !!!  That haven't got a home yet ... and aren't for already on the go projects and jobs !!!

It's good though cos I have been eyeing it up thinking "hmmm not enough blooo I needs more bloooo" teeheehee :D

So yes it has been all fun and games round here but the job is almost done!!!

We were lucky enough to meet a loverly couple yesterday Jean and Martin who will be playing for us at the Edge of The Moors Faery Festival in July they are loverly loverly peoples and soooo talented, I tell you what you ever want to have the best experience of people in the world start organising events like this cos it truly is an eye opener !!! Amazingly talented people from all over the country and wonderful giving and generous of thier time and effort and everything else, it truly is a wonderful experience for me, and I hope it will be for everyone else as well. If anyone is reading this and wants tickets to the Ball please check out our website we would LOVE to see you at the festival :~

Bloo Pixie Events ~ Edge of The Moors Faery Festival

We have almost sold out of stalls too now and it's just amazing I can't wait to see everyone set up it will AWESOMES!!! Now all I have to do is find a couple of water sprites or mermaids and we is all set !!!

Himself has been utterly awesomes this week as always helping me out in all my crazy plans and supporting each and every one of them. I did tell him that it was jsut as well cos it was in the job description when he signed up teeheehee :D

I have to admit though he does put up with rather alot from me, both with calming my Agoraphobia and putting up with Pixie Tantrums and helping me stand back up when i bend down too far !!!  He truly is awesomes and a real blessing xox

Oh GOOD Grief!!!! all mushy again ugh really !!! I tell you what he truly has turned me into a right Girl!!!

Am very excited also cos Fallen Angel Studios might just be going to ArmadaCon in Plymouth and running workshops ... am very excitementated!!! More about that as and when it happens :D

Well I think that jsut about rounds up the week... I won't know what to do with myself tomorrow since this is a Monday to Friday thing for me... oh yeah get some work done HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ooooo actually if I do that then maaaybe that will cover my Stitch and Bitch next week .... well me thinkies that is quite the idea ...

Well I'm off til Moon Day

Have  a FAERYTASTIC weekend!!

Do something randomly nice for someone!!

xox Love and Light xox

Thursday 26 April 2012

Bloo on Green ~ In which a little town in Devon is saved from the evil empire and I makes some scoops for flour and whatever else

Happy Thors Day me Loverlies!!!

Well what an exciting day yesterday was !!! In fact you might have even seen our loverly little town on the news. There has been a big fight between the towns people and MVV/Gilpin's who want to put an Incinerator Bottom Ash sorting facility across the road from where we live. In fact its less than 100 metres away. Not to bore you with the details but yesterday was the hearing for the development management commitee to rule on the planning permission. Well guess what !!??!! WE WON!!! YAY!!!! 6 votes to 5 but we won !!!

This now means that our beloved Greater Horseshoe Bat population won't be at risk (and just by the way it is the biggest population of them in Europe) and our kids aren't going to be breathing in the horrific dust and dodging trucks to cross the road.

Anyone who says that locals can't have a say and change things haven't tried!!!

One of the wonderful spouts of gibberish the MVV were using was to say because of our attitude we don't want to recycle... WELL REALLY!!! This Thursday slot is about to prove them wrong!!! and I will continue to prove them wrong for the rest of my days!!!

Due to this I wanted to find a way to reuse our milk cartons. A really useful way that can be very helpful and show there are many ways to reuse those things tha tend to get chucked out to the recycling.

Today we are going to make scoops.

Scoops have millions of uses, of course scooping in their main use but if you are clever you can use them as a tool to help you with all kinds of jobs. In the garden, in the kitchen, in the bathroom all over the place really and if you are really stuck for a dustpan a homemade scoop works for that too.

So here we go ... How to make a homemade milk bottle scoop :~

Right well first off wash your chosen bottle out thoroughly the last thing you want is to have a stinky stale milk smell happening.

Next draw your cut mark around the bottle as shown here :~

Then cut around the line carefully either using scissors or a stanley knife, please be careful though 5 fingers are better than 4 at this stage!!!

Once this is done you should have 2 pieces of your bottle that look like this :~

The large piece is your scoop and from here you can use it for whatever you see fit or need it for. This can be done with ANY size milk bottle so you can have teeny ones for flour and sugar or medium ones like this for compost or using in the bath for your hair.

"What do we do with the top bit???" I hear you cry, well this is quite fun actually because now you have a very useful funnel that fits quite neatly over the top of a squash bottle or inside a jam jar or anything else you might need.

So there you go 2 for the price of 1 haha

oh and as for the lids, keep them safe somewhere we will do something with them another day. 

Have a fantastic rest of the day, enjoy finding uses for your scoops and funnels.

xox Love and Light xox

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Cookie's Corner ~ Soysages for Brekky

Morning !!! and a wonderful Woden's Day to you :D

Today I decided to do something a bit quick for brekky but something to cover me for later on since today is choc-a-block full of all sorts of things to get done, in so saying the chances of me forgetting to eat are pretty high. So since I already had some mix left from last nights dinner Soysages on toast it was.

Right so the ingredients :~

2 cups of soybeans (pre soaked or leftover grits from making soymilk)
1 cup of plain flour or spelt flour or potato flour works well too
1/2 cup soymilk (or milk if you prefer)
1 teaspoon of nigella seeds
1 teaspoon dried thyme or fresh if you have it
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 Tablespoons Tomato puree
(Extra flour of your choice for rolling them in)

To be completely honest you can use whatever flavourings you feel are best I use these because they happen to be on hand and I like the mix it has a nice earthy mix thats just enough spice without being too herby or hot and spicy.

Ok so What you do is this :~

Blitz it ALL in the food processor until it makes a paste or rather a medium dough type paste.

If you need to add more fluid because you feel the mix is far too dry then do but only a little at a time oherwise you will be on that perpetual rollercoaster of "Oh no now I need more flour" and then back to "Oh no now I need more liquid" be sensible with it. Once it looks like the consistancy of pate STOP!!!

Then you need to shape them. I choose to use teaspoons that way I can fool myself into thinking I am having 6 sausages all too myself when in reality I'm only having maybe the equivalent of 2 -3 much more reasonable!! Of course you can make them as large or small as you like and even shape them into meatballs which is just as good. Anyway you choose to do it, here is one I was making this morning :~

Once you have shaped your little soysages you need to roll them in the flour of your choice :~

And then they look like these little beauties :~

Now if they don't particularly look like this don't worry about it. (Martha Stewart would probably use a piping bag) We are all human and even mine are all over the place !!

In a hot pan start to fry them off, I prefer to use butter or a soy based spread but you can use what you want.

Turn them once they are golden but don't play with them too much or they will fall apart.

Then serve them up however you want :~

Mine of course are on homemade mini loaf toast but then i couldn't make up my mind on what sauces so I thought buggar it I'm having one of each !!!

For you canny lot that can count, you have probably noticed there is one missing. Yes there were 7 in the pan and only 6 on my plate. Just remember a good cook always has one left for quality control. I mean you want to make sure it is perfect before eating the rest!!!

Oh and for you more adventerous lot. This is the perfect recipe to play with. You can add grated veg to it like carrot and courgette and onion. You could even crumb coat them and deep fry them if you wanted. They don't however tend to do well in the oven they do tend to dry out unless they are in a sauce of some description. But have fun with it and I would love to know what you come up with.

For those who are interested in trying out more of my recipes take a look at my book Which is Which? It teaches people to modify thier favourite meaty dairy filled yummy recipes into vegan and wheat free ones.

Which is Which?

In the mean time have a safe and happy Wednesday !!!

xox Love and Light xox

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Stitch and Bitch ~ Pixie Hats and the joys of Agoraphobia

Happy Tuesday me Loverlies !!!

Here we are at our very first Stitch and Bitch and I am going to show you how to make one of these :~

Nooooo not the loverly model ... he's mine and you can't have him!!! I shall however show you how we made the Pixie Top Hat.

What has this to do with Agoraphobia??? I hear you ask, well if youa re sitting comfortably then I will begin.

Being Agoraphobic is not fun when the big episodes start. There are those who won't leave thier home at all and then there are those like me who have good days and bad. My good days mean that with the right sort of head gear I can go out and about in town. On a bad day if I HAVE to go out I will wear my duffle coat which is a loverly velvety patchwork number with a HUGE hood which pulls right over my face meaning all I can see are my feet. Not very practical but with Himself at my side I can get through to see the Hodge who is awesome. On a good day I don't need the duffle coat instead I will wear my Pixie Top Hat, which gives me the feeling of being protected whilst not looking quite like a "Patchwork Palpetine" as Himself has named me *sighs* . It also means that in Summer I am not going to be so hot I pass out, which is also a sensible consideration when it comes to getting dressed.

So here we go :~ The Patchwork Pixie Top Hat

First off here is a picture of the pattern pieces you will need. They are very simple and not at all difficult to work out (trust me if I can figure it out so can you).

To measure the pattern pieces you must take the measurement around the head it needs to fit. from that you now have the circumferance of the circle for the top bit, the length of the side panel AND the inner circumferance of the brim. Not bad going for one little measurement huh!?!

Now the next thing you need to do is work out how tall you want your hat to be I work in 4 inch blocks and my hat is 8 inches tall (Not a size Queen .... much hehehe). so to make your side block take your head measurement and add the height you want plus 1 inch plus 1 inch for the length. "Oh no!!!" I hear you cry "but we don't know inches". Ok well for every measurement I give you multiply it by 2.5 and you have your centimetres. I prefer inches they are more accurate for sewing.

You have also your measurement for the top so cut yourself a circle with the same size round as the length of your side panel.

For the brim use your top panel and draw a half circle or a whole one if you have lots of fabric and make it 3 inches wide and draw the outside circle to make either a half circle or a full tyre shape.

Sewing up :~ First off cut yourself 2 pieces of  each of your pattern in calico or curtain lining or whatever you are using. For the brin you can fold the fabric in half if you are using a large piece or cut 4 semi circles and sew 2 of them together to make your brim circles.

Sew the side panel first giving yourself a 1/2 inch seam (1.5cm). Next attach the top and then the brim. each with a 1/2 inch seam. This is now your inner lining and it will look like this :~

If you are really clever you can get it to stand up like this :~
Next you get your other pattern pieces and start pining your patchwork fabrics on however you want. Take your time or don't its up to you. I tend to pop them all on and just sew them all up like crazy paving. It's far more fun that way. But you can be as fussy as you want to be.

Next you sew the patchworked pieces onto the pattern pieces however the have been pinned. Please remember to take out your pins, they really do hurt if you forget!

Then sew up the pattern pieces as you did the lining. If you have gotten this far and it looks like this on the outside :~

And this on the inside :~

You are an Utter Genius !!! and don't let anyone tell you otherwise !!!

All that is left for you to do now is pop the lining inside the outer hat and sew the brim and you are done!!

Now please please remember to get this the right way in first time, otherwise you will cry and you could shrink your hat depending on the fabric used!

Here is a pic to demonstrate how it should look with the lining about to be sewn in place :~

See the seams are together ... awwwww they likes each other !!!

Now all you have to do is pin the brim together but fold it in on itself and then sew it as close to the edge as you dare!!!

Once you have done that you have your hat and you too can look like this :~

Now if of course you are far too lazy to do this for yourself, you can of course get one from me here :~

Fallen Angel Studios

because round here they tend to breed !!!

I'm sure they are part Tribble !!!

Anywhoo away I go again ...

Have a great whatever it is you are doing (details are not a requirement :P)

xox Love and Light xox

Monday 23 April 2012

Monday Catch Up ~ In which things are falling into place :~D

Happy Dragon's Day!!!! Yes it is St. George's Day but to be honest I am on the side of the dragon!!!

So today being a Monday many tend to look upon a Monday and think "OH NO!!!"

To me Monday is the start of something, A beginning of a week that even if I have plans I still don't always know what is going to occur and all sorts of surprises could be in store for me.

This week has started very early at 6am whilst Himself (my wonderful partner) and me toddled off to some meetings, at the end of which we now have to find a couple of bunk beds or single beds, which is quite awesome really!!! So this week will be moving all sorts of furniture about and sorting out the workshop. Always have to love cleaning up the workspace O.o NOT!!!! but then again you never know what you might find that you've been looking for forever and it suddenly turns up.

Well at least it will keep us busy and out of mischief, mind you with organising The Edge of The Moors Faery Festival and running Fallen Angel Studios, Share The Love and Bloo Pixie Events and even thinking about writing my next cookbook or series of cookbooks by the thoughts we have been having about it not sure I can fit much more in this week. But then again, if I wasn't busy I would think something was seriously wrong. Mind you I have been seriously thinking about selling homemade cleaning products, you know the proper ones, that aren't going to hurt your hands or your kids, pets or the environment. The ones our grannies used to use before washing up liquid went all bubbly and green and weird. Anyway it's just a thought .... you'll get used to me I'm always having these thoughts!!!

Anywhoooo Fallen Angel Studios had a massive boost today, a month ago I applied for an Enterprise Nation Fund 101 placement and I was informed today that when voting starts again in May we are on the list YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! So will be pushing hard to get my 500 votes lol ...  cos I need my drivers license so I can get us a van and we can take the fae to the outside world !!! More about that closer to time.

The Edge of The Moors Faery Festival now has all its bands booked for the ball which is AWESOMES!!! WE are soooo lucky we have Matthew Callow, Serpentyne and Jaime Black, we seriously couldn't ask for anyone more awesome for a first event and we are soooo excited about it all !!! Don't worry I will post pics as soon as we have some.

So all things are falling into place already ... and it's only Monday. Keeping up this momentum and I'll take over the world by 2013 !!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Right now, I'm off to find a blankey cos I am freezing ...

Just remember Monday is full of potential and however you treat Monday is how the rest of your week will turn out. Keep up the positive momentum up it's amazing how the week will fly all by itself.

xox Love and Light xox 

Sunday 22 April 2012

I Made It!!!

Well so here we are, well I am don't know about you but I am defiantely here. Not quite sure where to begin, but I'm sure it will come to me eventually. Welcome to my blog !! I feel like guiding you to a seat or something, like an usher at the theatre, or some weirdo in a suit as he is about to give the guided tour of some hideous industrial accident waiting to happen. As you have probably guessed I have never written a blog before. To be completely honest I've never actually even kept so much as a diary. Keep this between you and me but I'm not the most disciplined of people when it comes to such things, which is probably why I haven't done this before.

Well I suppose you need to see who I am at least so I will endeavour to find a picture of me that is best for about here :~

Ooook so I ended up, up there no biggy I'm sure after about 5 years or so I should get this right or have a nervous breakdown trying to figure it out.

Oh yes and you might have noticed I write as I speak. I just find it easier that way.

What else ??? hmmm at this moment in time I can't think just now, but I am thinking that I will have a plan for my blog very soon that will have me very busy.

I'm thinking, Monday :~ Catch Up and News.
                   Tuesday :~ Stitch and Bitch
                   Wednesday :~ Cookie's Corner
                   Thursday :~ Bloo on Green
                   Friday :~ Ode To the Week

Yeap I think that just about covers it ... now all I have to do is remind myself where my blog is and what the list is and get to sorting it all out when it needs to be done hahaha!!! .. till then ...have BIG FUN ...

xox Love and Light xox