Tuesday 3 July 2012

Hellooooo Again!!! Monday Catch~Up

Hello Loverlies

Sorry I have been away for a little while but soooo much has happened and it jsut keeps happening and keeping me very busy between then and now. However I find myself with a bit of free time on my hands so I doing a mahoosive Monday Catch Up for you all !!!

Soooo last time we chatted I was off to the Acoustic Festival of Great Britain... which by the way was AWESOMES!!!! It also taught me a great deal of what to make sure we have and are doing for our events. Just remembering that everything is a learning experience helps you get through the worst of nightmare situations and trust me there were some close situations at the festival this year.

However there were some awesome ones as well ... meeting up with old friends and meeting new ones. All a great thing and a great time was had by all. Hiccups over and done with, and end of the Sunday being beer o'clock makes everything much better hahaha.

So here are a couple of pics of us at the Acoustic Festival :~

Me and Tink

Me and Lisa Fairy

I love these ladies they make life sooo wonderful and to find them both at the one festival does make things awesomes !!!

I work with Lisa at faery festivals during the year but Tink I only have the honour of meeting up with at the Acoustic so its loverly to catch up with her :D

So after a fabbytastic weekend of booking in bands and taking care of them i was knackered for the rest of the week .. not surprising really but I had lots of stuff to do for the Edge of the Moors Faery Festival

Not to mention the fabby few days that the Pendle Faery and Pendle Pixie came to visit us here at Pixie Towers YAY!!!! oh boy did we gets up to some stuffs ... and yes there are pics hahaha!!!

The Pendle Faery, Himself and Bloo Pixie 

Pendle Fairy, Pendle Pixie and Bloo Pixie

Bloo Pixie and Pendle Faery going up the Pixie Path 
Norty Faes !!!
Teddy Faes :~ the picnic was cancelled so we went to cheer up the kids and came as the teddies :~D 
This of course is coming up fast however not before I had a fabbytastic week up in Lancashire with the Pendle Faery and Pendle Pixie .. which was awesomes!!!!! I just got off the bus and was dragged up Pendle Hill :~
Suzanne, The Pendle Pixie and Bloo Pixie navigating the cattle grid :~P 
This is what happened the next morning O.o

Bloo Pixie

It's amazing what happens when you go up magick mountains on the Solstice!!! I'm just glad i didn't get to the top I'd look like a Smurf!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

The Pendle Faery, Freya Fire Sprite and Bloo Pixie
..... so anyway this brings us to the Pendle Faeries Mad Hatters Tea Party !!! Oh Boy what a day that was HAHAHA!!!

Here are all of us after the Tea Party off to the pub for din dins !!!

  So then the next day Bloo Pixe, The Pendle Faery and Bindweed had a day out of nortiness in Morecombe.... wicked fae we was ..... 

Bloo Pixie, Eric Morecombe, Pendle Faery and Bindweed
Playing in the Park !!!
Utterly chillaxed looking cool overlooking Blackpool !!!
Norty Bloo Pixie blowing razzberries at the photographer :~P
All that horsing around got us all peckish so we decided to share an icecream teeheehee!!!!
 So there you go all sorts of norty fae games were played in the last couple of weeks ... but the best little bit on news to date is this one... 

Matilda Leigh born 24th June 2012 (World Faery Day) my bootiful little Grandfae !!! 

We had masses of fun making decs with the kids at the school for the festival .... pics will come later ... great imaginations making Faery Bells and Faery Houses and Peg Dolly Faeries been fabby this week. 

The only issue we've had this week is that my back has done silly things to itself, so at the moment I'm running around on crutches. Which is a great way to make me slow down. Which I am .. and behaving as well ... well kinda ... sorta .. maybe .. perhaps hahahah!!!! 

So there we go a complete catch up of the last few weeks ... will get onto this weeks Blogs asap !!!! xox 

Have a fabbytastic day

Love and Light xox