Friday 18 May 2012

Ode to the Week ~ In which I have a fabbytastic week and realise that maybe I can do stuffs i fink I can

Helllooooo Me Loverlies and welcome to Freya's day !!!!!

Well what a week !!! I have to say straight away sorry for being a bit slow with my blog posts this week cos it has been all over the place chaos round here this week !!!

It's been a week of arranging 2 festivals and getting ready for another one. Ice skating dresses and clothes for the festival next week. Sorting our the websites. Fielding calls from revellers and would be stall holders. Paperwork, talking to sponsers, organising accounts, finding camping for festival crew and stall holders. Blog writing and working out new crafts and things around the house.In the middle of all of this, helping out with a family emergency, NO I did NOT make it worse!!! Sooo ner !!!

I started and wrote a little book of Bloo Pixie Wisdom today all I have to do now is put in the pics and I can put it out ready for you to grab a copy of. So hopefully that will be done before I go away next week. Actually might get onto it this weekend. Himself is away tomorrow so I will have a loverly quiet day .. you know the kind you can work on the couch or curled up in bed and eat toast and cup of teas all day!!! mmmm heaven !!!

I have to admit I am feeling alot better than I was earlier this week. I tend to get a tad freaked out when making something new that is special for someone. I tend to worry to the point I give myself a panic attack until it is done and I see a smile on thier face and know they are genuinely happy with it. I have to admit as well because I make my costumes the old way with rolled hems and not using an overlocker because I don't like them. I feel that doing things the old way is better as it gives the seams 4 times more stability than an overlocked hem.

Anywhooo I tend to get a bit wound up, cos I'm not that confident always. Well this week I had been working on a piece with fabric I'm not used to and a pttern I have never put together for a young girl who has worked very hard to make herself well up in iceskating working herself to English team standard!!! There was no way I wanted to mess that up. I do have to say I was a bit of a mess. However when I saw the look on her face when she put it on. It made all the difference it fitted perfick and it looked awesome and she loves it !!! Job done and me calm again !!!

Sometimes I panic for the wrong reasons, sometimes for the right ones, sometimes cos I just does. I think now though after this week I might not panic quite so muchly. It also got me to wanting to make my own tops for the summer. So I figure job well done.

Don't let fear stop you from doing what it is you want to and can do.  It's ok to be scared but don't let it stop you, do it anyway!!! I did !!! If this ickle fraiedyfae can do it i figure you lot can !!!

Have a faerytastic weekend

xox Love and Light xox

Thursday 17 May 2012

Bloo on Green ~ In which I continue my journey into homemade cleaners by starting with myself


YAY!!! I'm all caught up and here we are at Bloo on Green!!!

Today I have decided to continue my mission to use only the ingredients normally found in my kitchen to make cleaners for the household. Things that aren't chemical based that is.

Since I am off to the Acoustic Festival next week I thought it would be a good idea to get my bits and pieces in order to go away. That is when I realised I didn't have 2 lots of toothpaste in the house. hmmm so yes I scoured my Nanna Lucy's book of brilliance and found a recipe for toothpaste.

Yeap your very own non pumped full of fluoride and all the other things I can't spell let alone say. I always reckon that is a bad sign if the name for an ingredient needs a chemistry degree to decipher it!!

So here we go :~

Pixie's Nanna's Festival Toothpaste

1/2 cup Bicarb of Soda
1/4 bottle Peppermint Extract
Here comes the hard bit :~

Mix them together ....

Put the mix in a container ....

Now use it ... because of reusing the bicarb container to put the toothpaste in I can seal it well and not worry about it busting open in my bag

It will be a little more powdery than you are used to but who cares. There is nothing in Bicarb that can hurt you and peppermint extract is basically peppermint infused vodka or similar clear alcohol.

So this is now off into my festival bag ready to go... I wonder if I can find a way of making my own wet wipes ... hmmmmm ... will look into it for next week

Have an awesome one

xox Love and Light xox

Cookie's Corner ~ In which we find out that ketchup isn't that hard to make for ourselves!!!

Hippy Thors Day Loverlies !!!

Yeap ok I am behind again ... it's ok I know you can cope. This week has been extremely hectic and due to this I have fallen asleep twice in the middle of Blog prepping. So BIG apologises but I am catching up now.

In fact I'm glad I waited until today for this one, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted a burger for dinner and I wouldn't have found out we had no ketchup !!!

Disaster I know !!! Burgers and no ketchup is not on its blasphemous in the very extreme!!! So I had to set about figuring out my own recipe with what we had and I tell you what I'm not sure I shall be buying ketchup ever again!!!! This is LUSH!!!! even if I do say so myself.

So here we go :~

Pixie's Emergency Tomato Ketchup

1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 medium onions, chopped finely
1/2 cup soft brown sugar, tightly packed
1/2 cup brown vinegar
2 cloves
1 tspn Nigella Seeds
1 tspn Fajita seasoning

1. Put your all your ingredients together in a saucepan and mix well.

2. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 5 minutes before using a hand blender to blitz into a sauce.

3. Simmer for another 20 mins
4. Pour into sterilised bottles.
(And yes to those of you clever enough to spot it that is my loverly funnel i made after making the shovels from milk bottles)

5. Take a moment and realise that you made double what is in most botles of tomato ketchup, you know what is in it and it cost you less than 70p
Yeap so there you go yummy ketchup that passed the taste test of Himself. It relly puts a massive smile on my face to see him like being my guinea pig hahaha !!!

If you would like to try out any others of my recipes please do check out my book :~

Which is Which ?

xox Love and Light xox

Stitch And Bitch ~ In which I finally have time to write this and decide to start on a couple of tops for meeeeeee

Hey Loverlies welcome to Thor's Day

Yeap normally I write this on a Tyr's Day but last night we had a bit of a family emergency and I knew you would all understand.

It has been a very hectic week to be honest what with being reminded that The Acoustic Festival of Great Britain is actually next weekend and not the weekend after !!!!! Oh dears!!! Oh wells .. am onto that paperwork this weekend ... but the biggest issue was finding something to wear.

As with most trades people I have nothing to wear that isn't falling to pieces. It makes sense to me, mechanics always have a broken car and builders a half fixed house. It does really go with the territory and we all accept that. So today I have found that I have a little surplus of certain fabrics hand have decided that I am going to use them for myself !!! Cos I can !!!

So today's Stich is going to be me designing and making my new top, well at least one of them. I have kept it all very simples so anyone can make one .. including me whilst knackered HAHAHA!!!!

Ok so Festival Bloo Pixie Top

measure around your chest and then measure from your top of your boobage to the bottom of your boobage and add 2 inches either side for a side seam unless of course you have an over locker and I am not talking about those abominations !!!

Then you need to measure yourself from under your boobage to about the middle of your thigh ... or whereever you feel most comfy. I personally prefer long and baggy !!!

Right so now you want to cut out your fabric, I had some of a loverly turquoise spandex left over from a very special ice skating dress i made so i used that as my top bit.

I also found a very cheap way of purchasing voile on ebay so i used some of that as well for the "skirt" part of the top.

So there you go 2 squares of fabric :~D

Now this is what i started doing with the voile :~
yes my friends these are "petals" I have needed to make 12 of these to get round my frame in an orderly fashion and I shall be making 12 more double the length of these to go under them ... You may have noticed that I have put 2 together. Yes I have the reason for this will be made clear shortly. However I only sewed the two long sides together at this point.
For the very reason of putting silk petals in the fabric ones lose and adding 3 silk leaves to the top of the petal. Now you might think this was a bit of overkill what i did next but personally i found it made life sooooo much easier when it came to putting everything together.
Yeap I actually sewed the tops of the petals BEFORE attaching them to the top of the shirt. Now I did this due to the delicate nature of the embelishments. If I had sewed them all at once I would have lost a few. So this made alot more sense. once they were all sewn up at the top I started sewing them to the top fabric, which by the way was lots of fun, as it has to be stretched and the voile doesn't. so making sure it was evenly sewn does take a bit of swearing and other such tantrums until it happens the way it should.

I overlapped the petals halfway between each other :~

Right well there you go thats the main bulk of what needs to be done to make this shirt. I honestly am not allowed to show you anymore just now as "Stitch" one of my house pixies has said it is only to be unveiled at the Acoustic Festival Hahaha!!! ...

Anywho the basics are here and all you have to do with the longer petals is repeat the process of the shorter ones. I went for popping them between the shorter ones to give it a more layered flower look. The best part of this top is all you have to do at the end is sew it up the back in one even seam. I use rolled seams they have more security in them than with an overlocker which if you snip a thread the whole thing comes undone. I for one can do without such costume malfunctions thankyou very muchly !!!

So enjoy it .. make your own... it's alot of fun and looks great. And yes for the record I did put straps on it HAHAHA I knooooow who I work with I'm not dumb!!! HAHAHA!!!

Go enjoy it

xox Love and Light xox

Monday 14 May 2012

Monday Catch Up ~ In which I apologise to Himself

Welcome to Moon Day Me Loverlies !!!

Well what a weekend !!! Beautiful Blue skies and perfick weather and not a chance to go out once ... le sigh ... This weekend has been a rough one all round and to be honest made harder by neither myself or Himself wanting to upset the other but to be strong for the other. So we have spent the entire week ... and definately weekend bottling up everything.


Eventually something goes BOOM!!! and over the silliest thing that isn't even anything to do with what is really going on, but at that moment in time, that is where the cork pops and sprays the contents everywhere. Have you ever done the Mentos and Coke rocket trick ??? Well that is pretty much the mood aroud here right now, everyone being shaken up and just waiting to be dropped on thier cap for the explosion to happen.

As I write this I am in the kitchen, my favourite room at home next to the one that holds the bed in it where i collapse in a heap most nights and into a work drained coma. Anywhoo Himself is in there right now cos we just had our first ding dong at each other. Yeap we did ... 18 months on and finally we let loose on each other and it wasn't even about what we had a ding dong about, it is all the pent up frustration of the situation we find ourselves in and unable to do anything about just now.

A mix of grief, fear, frustration, concern and love. Yeap it is in there too because without Love you can't have the others. It isn't actually possible. I have discovered today that I will no longer stay silent as my friends and myself get walked over or people take the mikey cos they think we are pushovers and can get away with it. No More !!!

It is the responsibility of all of us to speak up when something is wrong especially when it concerns those around us that we love and care about. It is also our responsibility to speak up when we are hurt by others. It is not our responsibility to speak out and yes be diplomatic if needs be but not hide our feelings from those we are closest to. If we need to vent we need to vent. If something needs saying then something SHOULD be said. Staying silent so you don't hurt your partners feelings because they have enough on thier plate right now isn't helping anyone. It is not allowing your partner to be there for you, it is not allowing you to have the chance to really let things out either.

It is very different having a bitch session with your mates to talking things out with your partner. Your mates will always be on your side and either be empathetic or goad you on and work you into a frenzy of frustration and crankiness that will end up with you exploding at the very person you shouldn't.

Well you know what ... when you blow out at someone because you have been bottling things up about a person or situation to a point where you have a ding dong with the person you love more than life itself next to your kids... then that person or situation has won.

I'm sorry but I'm not allowing that to happen.

The person in question the situation in question is not worth our energy getting angry at each other. When what we really want to do is let go of the negative stuff inside about a specific person or situation. When we don't allow it, they win, they drain us of all our good energy and fill us up with negative. I am worth more than that!!!

There are somet hings I am going to have a worse reaction to than others. Being told what I can and cannot do is one of them. As an adult I feel like a frightened child and I will NOT allow myself to feel that way every again!!! especially when it is nothing to do with the issue at hand.

However, tit for tat is pointless and trying to get your personal point across about an issue or something that was said is also quite pointless since the words said were nothing to do with the real issue.

Therefore I have this to say :~

My Dearest Beloved Himself whom I love truly with all of my heart, I am sorry for being a snitty cow all weekend and especially today. I realise you are also going through major major things right now, however I think we need to let it out and let it go. I love you and I will not let someone as negative and malicious and so full of negative evil energy, drain me like this again to the point where all they can do is infect me with thier nastiness. I want you to feel you can talk to me about anything and everything as we normally do. The only way to move forward through this is to talk together and let it out properly and not hide it from each other as we are.

I know you will come in your own time, just know that I love you and I will be here whenever you are ready.

My heart is yours and forever open to you as are my arms, my shoulder is strong and there for you to cry on, and my lap is here for you to curl up on and my mouth here to kiss away your pain.

xox Bloo xox